Tag: Jade Eshete
Billions Is Spending Its ‘F— You Money’ in Season 4 – March 19, 2019
After earning a fortune of goodwill over three seasons, the latest from Brian Koppelman and David Levien is cashing in on some fast fun. by Ben Travers | IndieWire | March 18, 2019 The greatest “Billions†line in a long history of great lines is the one that started it all: “What’s the point of…
Billions Season Four is Game Of Thrones With Less Sex But More Drugs and Rock’n’Roll – March 19, 2019
Damian Lewis is back as hedge fund alpha Bobby Axelrod. And hell hath no fury like an atomic asset manager with his billion-dollar balls in a vice. by Paul Henderson | GQ Magazine | March 19, 2019 Within five minutes of the start of season four of Billions, hard-rockin’ hedge fund alpha Bobby Axelrod (Damian…
Recappables Podcast: Billions S4E1 – March 18, 2019
Breaking Down the Season 4 Premiere by Alison Herman and Miles Surrey | The Ringer | March 18, 2019 The Ringer’s Alison Herman and Miles Surrey break down the first episode of Billions Season 4: “Chucky Rhoades’s Greatest Game.†They discuss Chuck attempting to drum up good will after being ousted as attorney general and the ongoing battle…
Billions Superlatives: Best, Worst, Most from S4E1 – March 18, 2019
An Episode Tighter Than AC/DC in ’78 by Miles Surrey | The Ringer | March 18, 2019 Here is the best, worst, and most from the season four premiere For a ton of people, the upcoming slate of springtime television will be largely defined by dragons, White Walkers, and incidental incest on HBO. I’d be…
Next Time on Billions Season 4 Episode 2 – March 18, 2019
Season 4, Episode 2: “Arousal Template” by Gingersnap | damian-lewis.com | March 18, 2019 On the next episode of Billions season 4 episode 2, Axe, still focused on wrecking Taylor and their new company, hits it off with a venture capitalist. Chuck sets his sights on a new position. Wendy asks Chuck to make a change.…
Billions on Showtime, Season 4 Episode 1: Chucky Rhoades’s Greatest Game
After All, Tomorrow is Another Day! by Damianista | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | March 17, 2019 What are the odds that the two most anticipated events of the year for yours truly fall on the same day? I got up at 5am to run NYC half-Marathon earlier today and I found out later…
Billions Season 4, Episode 1 Recap: Vulture – March 17, 2019
You Gotta Pick Sides by Sarene Leeds  | Vulture | March 17, 2019 If you had trouble untangling yourself from the intricate web that was the Billions season four premiere, you’re not alone. Even star Paul Giamatti has admitted that he can’t keep track of the Showtime drama’s mind-bending plot twists. That’s not to say…
Billions Season 4, Episode 1: Entertainment Weekly – March 17, 2019
It’s a Fresh Start, and the Same Old Enemies, for Chuck and Axe by Kyle Fowle | Entertainment Weekly | March 17, 2019 The fourth season of Billions begins with a very familiar image: Wags in a club, flanked by women, snorting coke. Apparently, he’s on a mission to secure a deal for a sovereign wealth…