Tag: Daniel K. Isaac
Billions on Showtime, Season 3 Episode 2: The Wrong Maria Gonzalez – April 1, 2018
You Can Take the Boy Out of the Trade, But You Cannot Take the Trade Out of the Boy by Damianista | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | April 1, 2018 Axe needs to stay away from trading. He does not. Chuck needs to stay away from the case. He does not. As both suffer…
Video: Billions Season 3 Critics Rave Trailer – March 31, 2018
See what critics are saying about this season of Billions! Starring Damian Lewis and Paul Giamatti. Catch new episodes of Billions Sundays at 10pm ET/PT only on SHOWTIME. Source: Billions YouTube Channel
From the Trader’s Desk: S3 E1 The King Without a Crown – March 30, 2018
Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears the Crown by Lady Trader | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | March 30, 2018 Greetings from the Trader’s Desk! Before I dive into the episode, I would like to thank the writers of this episode, Brian Koppleman and David Levien. As a New Yorker, kid of the 80’s…
Billions on Showtime, 3:01: Tie Goes to the Runner – March 28, 2018
Billions is dissecting the anatomy of self-interest, single-minded adherence to self-determination. All in the body and mind of Bobby Axelrod. by JaniaJania | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | March 28, 2018 Billions Season 3, episode 1, long time coming, eh? Let’s skip the pleasantries and get down to it, shall we?The nation has turned, so…
Billions is Back and Still More Fun Than Your Favorite Peak TV Drama – March 27, 2018
“Exceptionally well-plotted, well-acted, and gloriously, hilariously unbridled” by Winston Cook-Wilson | Spin | March 26, 2018 The opening aerial shot of Manhattan, the throbbing electronic soundtrack that eerily fades in–suddenly, my troubles disappear like a dirty million wired to an offshore bank account. It is time for a new episode of Billions, the most enjoyable…
New ‘Billions’ Season: The Show About Power And Money You Should Be Watching – March 27, 2018
“Billions is TV’s most compelling fable about wealth and power in modern life” by Eric Deggans | NPR | March 27, 2018 Be warned: The review below contains plenty of spoilers about past and present episodes of Billions. The biggest problem Showtime’s Billions has: It’s a show that is way too easy to underestimate. At a time when income…
Billions Recap Reality Index: Season 3, Episode 1 ‘Tie Goes To The Runner’ – March 27, 2018
Reality Index by Staff | Comfortably Smug | March 26, 2018 The recap is back! Welcome back to the Billions Recap Reality Index, where we tally a list of events from each episode and rank on a scale of too real to fail or as fake as a toxic asset’s triple A rating, scored on our wholly…
Billions Syllabus, Complete with Podcasts – March 27, 2018
Sit back, relax, and take a big slurp of Ice Juice — we’ve got everything you need for a new season of Billions by Staff | The Ringer | March 26, 2018 Showtime’s financial drama Billions returns this week, and The Ringer has (forgive us) billions of different ways to prepare. From deep dives on past seasons to interviews…