Tag: Corey Stoll
Billions Season 5 Episode 11 Victory Smoke: New York Times Review
Up In Smoke by Sean T. Collins | New York Times | September 26, 2021 Season 5, Episode 11: ‘Victory Smoke’ Axe closes in on the big investment bucks he needs for his new bank. But don’t light those victory cigars just yet. Watching “Billions†may be a breeze, but watching “Billions†to recap it…
Billions Season 5 Episode 11 Victory Smoke: Entertainment Weekly Review
Axe’s Back Is Against the Wall by Kyle Fowle | Entertainment Weekly | September 26, 2021 One of Billions‘ greatest strengths is how beautifully it sets up all its pieces before knocking them down. This season has been building towards the moment where Axe seems truly trapped, and this episode really delivers on that moment.…
Billions Season 5 Episode 11 Victory Smoke: Vulture Review
Chains of Love by Sarene Leeds | Vulture | September 26, 2021 Two episodes ago, I wrote about how Axe opened himself up to massive vulnerability by allowing emotion to guide all of his decisions. This is exactly how Chuck, Taylor, and Mike Prince claim their “victory smoke†in tonight’s episode. But what makes the…
The Unbeatable, Unstoppable, Unparalleled MVPs from Billions Season 5 Episode 10 Liberty
Billions MVP Awards for Season 5, Episode 10, “Liberty†by Gingersnap | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | September 22, 2021 We continue to award our Most Valuable Players for Billions season five in our series compilation, the ‘Billions MVP Fanbook,’ which commemorates all those in honor of achievement for the utmost brazen, uber shameless,…
Billions Season 5 Dining Guide, Episodes 1-10
Bon Appetite by Damianista | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | September 21, 2021 Love the food in Billions? From plantains and falafels, to a chopped liver sandwich, Fan Fun with Damian Lewis is now serving the Billions season 5 Dining Guide, episodes 1 – 10. One of my favorite things about my favorite TV…
Next Time on Billions Season 5 Episode 11
Season 5, Episode 11: “Victory Smoke” by Gingersnap | damian-lewis.com | September 19, 2021 With victory in sight for his bank, Axe plots to secure his deposits by poaching from Prince, a move that proves more complicated than it seems. Chuck, Prince and Sacker wrestle with the personal cost of their plan. Taylor looks to…
Billions on Showtime, Season 5 Episode 10: Liberty
Nothing Is What It Seems by Damianista | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | September 19, 2021 Ladies and Gentlemen: WOW. WOW. WOW. While I called last week’s episode as the most Billions-y in a while, as a game theorist, I declare this week’s episode the most game-theoretic to date. Hats off to Billions writers who are at the peak…
Billions Season 5 Episode 10 Liberty: New York Times Review
You Can’t Make an Omelet… by Sean T. Collins | New York Times | September 19, 2021 Season 5, Episode 10: ‘Liberty’ Eggs will be broken. The question amid all this conniving, though, is whose? Chuck Rhoades is cooking eggs. That’s it. That’s the scene. For three uninterrupted minutes — without dialogue, without music, without…