Tag: Ben Shenkman

  • Billions MVPs: Season 7 Episode 4, Hurricane Rosie

    The Unbeatable, Unstoppable, Unparalleled MVPs  by Staff | Fan Fun With Damian Lewis | September 6, 2023 Billions is back and so is our MVP series! We continue to award our Most Valuable Players for Billions season seven in our series compilation, the ‘Billions MVP Fanbook,’ which commemorates all those in honor of achievement for the utmost brazen, uber shameless, ultra scheming, unmatched bad asses from the…

  • Billions Season 7, Episode 4 Recap: Storms and Scams

    Chuck and Prince Square Off While a Fugitive Situation Unfolds by Kyle Fowle | Entertainment Weekly | September 3, 2023 There was no way Billions was going to go off the air without doing it. Considering the show’s penchant for displaying the various scams and distortions of the financial elite, it was only a matter…

  • Billions on Showtime, Season 7 Episode 4: Hurricane Rosie

    Hurricanes: Literally and Figuratively by Damianista | Fan Fun With Damian Lewis | September 2, 2023 Hurricane Rosie is a great episode demonstrating all kinds of hurricanes, literal and figurative, that a billionaire businessman can face when he decides to run a presidential campaign! And the experiences he goes through in the episode makes Mike…

  • Next Time on Billions Season 7 Episode 5

    Season 7, Episode 5: “The Gulag Archipelago” by Gingersnap | damian-lewis.com | September 1, 2023 Prince clashes with his employees over who has ultimate authority. Ira turns to Chuck for help with an embarrassing problem. Wendy and Luke forge a connection. Sacker confronts a figure from her past who poses a threat to her future.…

  • Billions Season 7, Episode 4 Recap: Flight Risk

    Inside Moves and Camouflaged Ulterior Motives by Sean T. Collins | New York Times | September 1, 2023 Season 7, Episode 4: ‘Hurricane Rosie’ A house divided against itself cannot stand. At least, that’s the hope of Wendy and Wags. Tied for second place as the people most responsible for the multi-billion-dollar success of Axe…

  • Billions Season 7, Episode 4 Recap: Bittersweet Symphony

    NFT Scams, Hurricane Sabotage and Minion-Hood by Sarene Leeds | Vulture | September 1, 2023 Billions stuck us with another formulaic episode this week — no Axe; finance bros skirting the law, etc. — but at least “Hurricane Rosie” and its two main story lines are moving toward some semblance of cohesion. Chuck and Mike…

  • From The Trader’s Desk: Crisis of Confidence?

    Billions Season 7 Episode 3 ‘Winston Dick Energy’ by Lady Trader | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | September 1, 2023 When I was living this lie, fear was my game People would worship and fall, drop to their knees Powerslave – Iron Maiden If it’s Friday, then it’s time for “From the Trader’s Desk”.…

  • Billions MVPs: Season 7 Episode 3, Winston Dick Energy

    The Unbeatable, Unstoppable, Unparalleled MVPs  by Staff | Fan Fun With Damian Lewis | August 30, 2023 Billions is back and so is our MVP series! We continue to award our Most Valuable Players for Billions season seven in our series compilation, the ‘Billions MVP Fanbook,’ which commemorates all those in honor of achievement for the utmost brazen, uber shameless, ultra scheming, unmatched bad asses from the…