Damian Lewis

– Actor, Musician, Dad, Redhead and Ping-Pong Champion –
~ strolling player and fun-time troubadour ~

Front Page News

  • Do a good deed for Damian! In honor of Damian Lewis’s February 11th birthday fans are asked to perform an act of kindness in January or February (something special and extra) on his behalf. This can be a donation of…

  • Much Ado About Nothing starring Damian Lewis will air on YLE television in Finland on January 23rd: William S: Paljon melua tyhjästä (Much Ado About Nothing) YLE TV1 23.1. Entiset rakastavaiset kohtaavat jälleen tv-kanavan suosikkiohjelman juontajina. Kaikesta näkee, että heidän…

  • Happy 89th Birthday to Major Winters! Click here to read about plans to honor Damian Lewis on his birthday this February 11th. Thanks to Kaz you can now download Something Wrong About the Mouth (the new BBC radio play starring…

  • Don’t you just love finding great new Damian Lewis photos and interviews?!!! ➡ » This wonderful, newly discovered Factory Magazine interview and photoshoot is from Fall 2005 (PDF file). Click here to see images of Damian from the article at…

  • Click here and here to view new screencaps of Damian Lewis from the trailer and clips for The Situation. Thanks to Amo and Ann for information about readings given by Damian Lewis and Helen McCrory last February 15th at the…

  • A small update from Damian’s personal assistant Melissa: “Damian informs me that it’s still not certain (Boogie Woogie) will go ahead. In fact all the film projects are in limbo at the moment. I will let you know if anything…

  • Do a good deed for Damian’s Birthday! Damian Lewis’s birthday is February 11th and because he is always willing to lend his support to worthy initiatives his fans are asked to perform a special act of kindness during January or…

  • An expanded schedule of US playdates and theaters for The Situation starring Damian Lewis has been posted at the film’s official site. Check out your local PBS affiliate for broadcasts of The Best of Masterpiece Theatre featuring Damian Lewis. The…