Damian Lewis
Actor, Musician, Dad, Redhead and Ping-Pong Champion
– strolling player and fun-time troubadour –
Front Page News
Click here for clips from The Escapist that include Damian and interviews with Brian Cox, Rupert Wyatt, Steven Macintosh, and Dominic Cooper. Click on the following for fantastic Brides picspam and commentary from firthgal who’s fallen head over heals for…
The Escapist – featuring Damian Lewis – opens in Ireland and the UK on Friday! Click here at the official site for a list of cinemas screening the movie. Below are additional press quotes for the film: “Lewis is not…
The Escapist featuring Damian Lewis opens in Ireland and the UK this Friday. Click here for the trailer and the list of cinemas screening the movie; below are more great press quotes for the film: “A brilliantly intense prison-break drama”…
A new poster is now available for the UK and Ireland release of The Escapist on June 20th. Click here for the list of cinemas and dates at the film’s official site. Gemma and Paula won tickets to the special…
UK theatrical release! See The Escapist with Damian Lewis starting Friday, June 20th; click here for the cinema list. Adam Sweeting of Uncut reviewed The Escapist and the work of Brian Cox saying: “…Thanks to the hallucinatory multi-flashback structure, you’re…
The Public-School Psychopath – June 15, 2008
The Public-School Psychopath Damian Lewis on villains, typecasting and living in an earthquake zone by Ally Carnwath  – The Guardian – 14 June 2008 Actor Damian Lewis rose to fame playing a US soldier in the Second World War drama Band of Brothers. He is…
Damian Lewis gave a new interview to the Guardian; he talked about Life, The Escapist, and living in Los Angeles. Melinda discovered this wonderful photographic portrait of Damian Lewis as Charlie Crews (taken during the filming of season 2 of…
Lots of news for The Escapist! » The Escapist opens theatrically in the UK on June 20th and the list of cinemas that will be playing the film is now available on the movie’s official site. Calling all Damian Lewis…