Damian Lewis
Actor, Musician, Dad, Redhead and Ping-Pong Champion
– strolling player and fun-time troubadour –
Front Page News
The Escapist will screen at the 13th Pusan International Film Festival in South Korea on October 3rd and 7th. The festival page for The Escapist here includes 3 new stills with Damian in them! Click here at the gallery for…
Click here for the updated music guide at the lifetv lj community. ‘theevilpuppy’ has updated the guide with a list of songs used in Life episode 2.01 “Find Your Happy Place.” Click here at Spoiler TV for brief casting call…
New video up at NBC.com! Life Returns – Damian Lewis and newcomer Donal Logue talk about the new season of Life. Click here for new Life icons from silent-pirate.
The September 29th issue of TV Guide includes that full-page ad of Damian with his legs in the pool and 3 other promos for Life. Kathy’s scanned them and added them to the Warehouse gallery here. The season two premiere…
The ITV web site is now promoting Life staring Damian Lewis as “coming to ITV3 this autumn.†Life will return to Australia’s channel Ten at 9:30 pm on Wednesday, September 24th, resuming with episode 1.09 “Serious Control Issues” (spoilers!) Thanks…
Click here for more hi-res still photos from Life courtesy of Dryope (she’s awesome!) Spoilers! These new pictures are from “Not For Nothing” episode 2.04 which will air in the US on NBC on October 10, 2008. Congratulations to Life…
Spoilers! Click here at the Warehouse gallery for more high-res stills from Life episodes 2.02 “Everything…All The Time” and new ones from 2.03 “The Business of Miracles”. Once again we are deeply indebted to dryope! Damian Lewis will make a…
New still photos from the new season of Life! 😀 Visit the Warehouse Gallery for promotional stills from “Everything…All The Time” (spoilers!) episode 2.02 of Life which will air on NBC in the US on October 3, 2008. The young…