Damian Lewis

Actor, Musician, Dad, Redhead and Ping-Pong Champion
– strolling player and fun-time troubadour –

Front Page News

  • Click here for more hi-res still photos from Life courtesy of Dryope (she’s awesome!) Spoilers! These new pictures are from “Not For Nothing” episode 2.04 which will air in the US on NBC on October 10, 2008. Congratulations to Life…

  • Spoilers! Click here at the Warehouse gallery for more high-res stills from Life episodes 2.02 “Everything…All The Time” and new ones from 2.03 “The Business of Miracles”. Once again we are deeply indebted to dryope! Damian Lewis will make a…

  • New still photos from the new season of Life! 😀 Visit the Warehouse Gallery for promotional stills from “Everything…All The Time” (spoilers!) episode 2.02 of Life which will air on NBC in the US on October 3, 2008. The young…

  • Damian Lewis appears in a new NBC fall season promo called “NBC Chimes In”. The region 4 Life – Season 1 DVD will be released in Australia on November 5, 2008 and is now available for pre-order. In this press…

  • Thanks to Ann for the news that Damian Lewis was interviewed on last night’s 2008 Fall TV Preview on the TV Guide Channel. The program includes clips from season 2 of Life. The show will be repeated several times this…

  • Christopher Lawrence’s comments about Life for the Las Vegas Review Journal include: Crews spent last season living in a mansion with no furniture and rarely is seen without a piece of fruit, the more exotic the better. (Crews’ idiosyncrasies extend…

  • The banner on the NBC.com page for Life now reads: Life Broadcast premiere Special night, after Heroes Monday, September 29th 10/9c Next on “Find Your Happy Place” Monday, Sept. 22nd Advance online premiere! Click here for a video clip about…

  • Spoilers! NBC/Universal has released this synopisis of “Everything…All The Time” episode 2.02 of Life which will air in the US on October 3, 2008: UNDERGROUND PARTY CIRCUIT CLAIMS LIFE OF FAMILY MAN—Charlie Crews (Damian Lewis) and Dani Reese (Sarah Shahi)…