Damian Lewis
Actor, Musician, Dad, Redhead and Ping-Pong Champion
– strolling player and fun-time troubadour –
Front Page News
The Showtime counterterrorism thriller “Homeland†has been a breakout hit this fall, earning impressive ratings and raves from critics and the online multitudes who feverishly parse its twists and turns. But Damian Lewis, the British actor who plays the…
Television Without Pity Interview
The Showtime series Homeland is one of the most exceptional dramas of the year, wowing us with emotional power and resonant storylines about terrorism and the CIA and how that relates to family, politics and religion. It’s carefully crafted…
Damian talks Yummy! Yummy! Yummy!
You can download the clip here from our media area.
Entertainment Weekly scans
The latest Entertainment Weekly issue has a couple small items on the Homeland finale (December 18). Thanks to Josh Bowman Fan.com for the scans! Gallery Link: NewsStand > Entertainment Weekly (16 December 2011)
Damian Lewis talks ‘Homeland’ with Gold Derby
‘The Sweeney’ on set pics
HeyUGuys has the first look at Damian Lewis on the set of The Sweeney! Ok, so these aren’t the most action packed set pics you’ll see this year, but this is the first look at Damian Lewis on set for…
‘Late Night’ HQ stills
Added 3 HQ stills from Damian’s appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon to the gallery. Gallery Link: TV Appearances > Late Night with Jimmy Fallon Stills (02 December 2011)
At the Guards Chapel Carol Concert
Damian Lewis attended the Guards Chapel Carol Concert on Tuesday, an event in benefit of Macmillan Cancer Support. (Source: @GF__website) He’s also scheduled to attend the Macmillan Celebrity Christmas Stocking Auction on December 7th. Also scheduled for December 7th: The…