Damian Lewis
Actor, Musician, Dad, Redhead and Ping-Pong Champion
– strolling player and fun-time troubadour –
Front Page News
Damian Lewis will be a guest on both The Ellen DeGeneres Show and Jimmy Kimmel Live this Wednesday, November 28th! The interview should be made available at EllenTV.com and ABC.com. It’s his first guest appearance on either show.
New Photoshoot
Outtakes from the October British GQ shoot. Gallery Link: Photoshoots > Session 063
Damian Lewis tweets his support for Movember
Week 2 Movember for prostate cancer. Thought I was hairier than this. Get your tash out for a great cause… twitter.com/lewis_damian/s… — Damian Lewis (@lewis_damian) November 14, 2012 For more info, visit Movember.com. See also:
On People’s ‘Sexiest Men Alive’ List
Damian Lewis has made it into People’s annual ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ issue – out on newsstands this Friday! “I don’t really believe in judging art, but I showed up just in case,” quipped the first-time Emmy winner in his acceptance…
‘The Sweeney’ Available for Pre-order in the UK
The Sweeney is now available to pre-order on DVD and Blu-ray and is set for release in the UK on January 21, 2013! Amazon.co.uk – DVD Amazon.co.uk – Blu-Ray The “Best British action movie in years†(XFM) – The Sweeney…
UK Esquire Scans
Another fashion spread! Gallery Link: NewsStand > UK Esquire (December 2012)
‘Jonathan Ross’ HQ Stills
Gallery Link: Other TV > The Jonathan Ross Show (10 November 2012) Thanks to DowntOnline and Lea Michele Network for the pics!
‘Homeland’ 2×08 Previews
Click below for previews of next week’s episode “I’ll Fly Away”.