Damian Lewis
Actor, Musician, Dad, Redhead and Ping-Pong Champion
– strolling player and fun-time troubadour –
Front Page News
Damian Lewis and Helen McCrory read from Romantic poets as part of The Josephine Hart Poetry Hour at the Hay Festival on Wednesday. Click below for pics. Special thanks to the wheresmyshoe and awholecountrysaysrahzberries tumblrs for their pics! Gallery Link:…
We need a lesson in what criticism does to children
Here’s a short article from The Times on The Prince’s Trust with mention of an event Damian and Helen McCrory attended on May 23rd. Last Thursday I sat in on a visit to the Prince’s Trust by two of that…
More from Aberglasney
A few more in HQ. Gallery Link: 2013/05/25 Aberglasney Restoration
Damian Lewis: from Homeland to Highlands
Damian Lewis took a break from Homeland to come to Cannes to promote The Silent Storm, in which he will star opposite Andrea Riseborough. Corinna Villari-McFarlane writes and directs the feature, which will shoot on the Isle of Mull in…
Damian Lewis At the Aberglasney Mansion Opening
Unveiling Historic Mansion’s Renovation by David Higgs | Wales Online | May 25, 2013 He’s the Hollywood A-lister more accustomed to the red carpet than life in rural West Wales. But yesterday Homeland star Damian Lewis was the star attraction…
‘Romeo and Juliet’ Gallery Update
Gallery Links: Romeo and Juliet (2012) > Promotional Stills Romeo and Juliet (2012) > Trailer #1 Screencaps
Photoshoot Update
Gallery Links: Session 006 (Replaced 4 with HQs) Session 008 (Replaced with HQs) Session 028 Session 029 Session 043 (Replaced with HQs) Session 060 Session 065 Session 067 Session 068
Damian Lewis talks about Aberglasney restoration, May 25, 2013