Damian Lewis
Actor, Musician, Dad, Redhead and Ping-Pong Champion
– strolling player and fun-time troubadour –
Front Page News
…And its Sharpest Critique of Donald Trump by Steven Hyden | Uproxx | March 23, 2018 What defines a great TV show? Acting, writing, cinematography — everybody knows you’re supposed to say those things, and each is undoubtedly important. But, on a…
Pre-Production: Flags Over Berlin – March 23, 2018
The Lewis Brothers At It Again? by Gingersnap | damian-lewis.com | March 23, 2018 In an article published in The Astana Times, scriptwriter, producer and director Aidiye Aidarbekov stated, “I wrote the script for the Flags Over Berlin film produced…
Billions Season 3 Finally Shows Real-World Consequences for What Its Bad People Do – March 23, 2018
“Billions Has Never Been Subtle” by Liam Mathews | TV Guide  | March 23, 2018 Warning: There are light spoilers for Billions Season 3 ahead. In its first two seasons, Billions — Showtime’s elevated soap opera about a crooked hedge…
Damian Lewis’ Path from Band of Brothers to Billions – March 23, 2018
Damian Discusses His Most Pivotal Roles by Emily Zemler | LA Times | March 23, 2018 “I am interested in the imperfections in people,” Damian Lewis says. “I’m interested in the contradictions and in the moral struggle that often exists…
Billions: Salvation and Damnation – March 23, 2018
From the Stock Market to the Court House by Justin Burke | The Australian | March 23, 2018 Billions probably deserves the prize for the Best Drama that people are not watching. And that’s a pity. The larger-than-life Wall Street tale…
Your Spoiler-Filled Preview of the New Season of Billions – March 23, 2018
Axelroad and Rhoades Take a Break, Sort Of by James Tarmy | Bloomberg | March 23, 2018 For filmmakers who want to dramatize the finance industry, one of Wall Street’s main appeals is that most people don’t understand how it works.…
Billions Season 3 Set for Greece – March 22, 2018
Damian Lewis Fandom Has No Borders and Now, Neither Does Billions by Kristin Brzoznowski | World Screen | March 22, 2018 ÎÏ„Îμιαν ΛιοÏις = Damian Lewis The third season of the Showtime hit Billions will be airing in Greece exclusively…
Showtime’s Billions Maintains Creative, Clever Energy – March 22, 2018
 The Intersection of Philanthropy, Politics, Finance and Family, and How They Can Poison and Enrich Each Other at the Same Time by Brian Tallerico | Roger Ebert.com | March 22, 2018 There’s a flow to “Billions†that’s not quite like…