Damian Lewis
Actor, Musician, Dad, Redhead and Ping-Pong Champion
– strolling player and fun-time troubadour –
Front Page News
You Can’t Always Get What You Want, You Get What You Need by JaniaJania | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | April 4, 2018 Bobby and Chuck are a set of twinsies this episode of Billions, Season 3, Episode 2,…
Recappables Podcast: Billions S3E2 – April 2, 2018
Billions S3E2, “The Wrong Maria Gonzalez†by Gingersnap | damian-lewis.com | April 2, 2018 The Ringer’s Bill Simmons and Mallory Rubin discuss the introduction of the “Winkletech†twins (4:58), how on earth Wags was banned from Little League baseball for…
Billions Superlatives: Best, Worst, Most from S3E2 – April 2, 2018
Flat Whites, Avocado Toast, and Literal Helicopter Parents by Miles Surrey | The Ringer | April 2, 2018 Every week, The Ringer will celebrate the passing of yet another Billions episode by honoring the installment’s best, worst, most, and least. These are your Billions Superlatives. Axe’s…
Photos & Videos: Next Time on Billions Episode 3 – April 2, 2018
Season 3, Episode 3: A Generation Too Late by Gingersnap | damian-lewis.com | April 2, 2018 On the next episode of Billions ‘A Generation Too Late,’ Chuck faces a dilemma when he’s given a perverse directive. Axe expands upon a secret…
Billions Recap: Black Swan – April 2, 2018
“Axe realizes that he’s Taylor’s hedge” by Nicole Cliffe | Vulture | April 1, 2018 Nothing makes an episode of Billions pop like a scheme: the high-wire tension of the initial Ice Juice play, followed by its equally-thrilling unravelling, or…
Billions Season 3, Episode 2: ‘The Wrong Maria Gonzalez’ – April 2, 2018
What are the Chances Axe Can Actually Keep His Hand Out of the Cookie Jar? by Sean T. Collins | New York Times | April 1, 2018 Live like a king. It’s a phrase that connotes wealth, luxury, excess, a…
Billions Recap: ‘The Wrong Maria Gonzalez’ – April 2, 2018
“Welcome back, Billions” by Kyle Fowle | Entertainment Weekly | April 1, 2018 When, near the end of last week’s season premiere of Billions, Axe agreed to give up his ability to trade in order to move the case along and…
Billions on Showtime, Season 3 Episode 2: The Wrong Maria Gonzalez – April 1, 2018
You Can Take the Boy Out of the Trade, But You Cannot Take the Trade Out of the Boy by Damianista | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | April 1, 2018 Axe needs to stay away from trading. He does…