Category: Poll
Which Billions Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac? – July 4, 2020
The 12 Zodiac Signs of Billions by Philip Etemesi | Screenrant | July 3, 2020 Billions focuses on the lives and intrigue of, well, billionaires. Which of these rich characters are you based on your zodiac? Showtime series Billions is currently in its fifth season and it’s still as intriguing as ever. A couple of…
The Unbeatable, Unstoppable, Unparalleled MVPs from Billions Season 5 Episode 7 Mid-Season Finale – June 17, 2020
Billions MVP Awards for Season 5, Episode 7, “The Limitless Sh*t†by Gingersnap | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | June 17, 2020 We continue to award our Most Valuable Players for Billions season five in a compilation post called the ‘Billions MVP Fanbook,’ which commemorates all those in honor of achievement for the utmostbrazen, uber shameless,…
The Most Billions-y Things That Happened on Billions Season 5, Episode 7 Mid-Season Finale – June 14, 2020
This Isn’t the Limitless Sh*t, It’s the Scarface Sh*t by Kyle McGovern | Newsweek | June 14, 2020 Episode Seven: The Limitless Sh*t To celebrate the show’s compelling brand of absurdity, we’re keeping track of the most Billions-y things that happen on Billions this season. For highlights from the latest episode, brace yourselves and head…
The Unbeatable, Unstoppable, Unparalleled MVPs from Billions Season 5 Episode 6 – June 10, 2020
Billions MVP Awards for Season 5, Episode 6, “The Nordic Model†by Gingersnap | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | June 10, 2020 We continue to award our Most Valuable Players for Billions season five in a compilation post called the ‘Billions MVP Fanbook,’ which commemorates all those in honor of achievement for the utmost brazen, uber…
The Most Billions-y Things That Happened on Billions Season 5, Episode 6 – June 7, 2020
Sex, Blood, and Portraits by Kyle McGovern | Newsweek | June 7, 2020 Episode Six: The Nordic Model To celebrate the show’s compelling brand of absurdity, we’re keeping track of the most Billions-y things that happen on Billions this season. For highlights from the latest episode, brace yourselves and head below. Axe Turns His Apartment…
The Unbeatable, Unstoppable, Unparalleled MVPs from Billions Season 5 Episode 5 – June 3, 2020
Billions MVP Awards for Season 5, Episode 5, “Contract†by Gingersnap | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | June 3, 2020 We continue to award our Most Valuable Players for Billions season five in a compilation post called the ‘Billions MVP Fanbook,’ which commemorates all those in honor of achievement for the utmost brazen, uber shameless, ultra…
The Most Billions-y Things That Happened on Billions Season 5, Episode 5 – May 31, 2020
Face Punching and Car Crushing by Kyle McGovern | Newsweek | May 31, 2020 Episode Five: Contract To celebrate the show’s compelling brand of absurdity, we’re keeping track of the most Billions-y things that happen on Billions this season. For highlights from the latest episode, brace yourselves and head below. Bryan Connerty Returns to Sock…
The Unbeatable, Unstoppable, Unparalleled MVPs from Billions Season 5 Episode 4 – May 27, 2020
Billions MVP Awards for Season 5, Episode 4, “Opportunity Zone†by Gingersnap | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | May 27, 2020 We continue to award our Most Valuable Players for Billions season five in a compilation post called the ‘Billions MVP Fanbook,’ which commemorates all those in honor of achievement for the utmost brazen, uber shameless,…