Category: Poll
50 Best Shows/Movies on Amazon Prime Video Now
Billions, Season 1-5 Streaming by Allison Picurro  | TV Guide | May 27, 2021 The joke that “there’s more to Amazon than just free 2-day shipping” has been made too many times to still be funny at this point, but it’s actually true! The streaming service has a whole library of TV shows and movies…
British Actors With the Best American Accents – Feb 25, 2021
Hall of Fame by Vince Mancini | Uproxx | February 25, 2021 Mastering an American accent has become a rite of passage for British and Australian actors, and assorted other former British colonies. It’s an interesting phenomenon: in America we send most of our young actors through the teenybopper homogenizing machine, which spits out enough…
PBS Masterpiece Hopeful To Be Involved with BBC’s Wolf Hall – Jan 9, 2021
PBS Wants Damian Back for Wolf Hall by Peter White | Deadline | January 8, 2021 PBS’ Masterpiece, which has been home to classic British dramas including Downton Abbey, Upstairs, Downstairs, Prime Suspect and the original House of Cards, turns 50 on January 10. Susanne Simpson, an exec producer on series including Downton Abbey, took…
Masterpiece (PBS/BBC) Favorites of a More Recent Vintage – Jan 8, 2021
Two for Damian: Wolf Hall and The Forsyte Saga by Matthew Gilbert | Boston Globe | January 7, 2021 Here are some of my favorite Masterpiece shows, in no particular order. I have restricted the list to those that have aired in the past 25 years, which is why you won’t see the well-known classics,…
The 10 Best TV Needle Drops of 2020 – Dec 29, 2020
2020 Best TV Songs/Soundtrack Moments by Sean T. Collins | Vulture | December 29, 2020 “Vision†is right there in the name of the damn thing, but as a medium, television is as much dependent on sound as it is on sight. This year, from comedies to dramas, from terrestrial networks to streaming services, a…
Best Male Television Performances of 2020 – Dec 23, 2020
Top 10 Performers in the Realm of Television by Ganesh Raheja | Republic World | December 22, 2020 The year 2020 also bore witness to some exemplary pieces of character work in the realm of mainstream television as well. Hugh Grant in The Undoing gave a spine-chilling performance as the human embodiment of a menacing…
Every HBO Miniseries Ranked – Nov 25, 2020
Band of Brothers by Noel Murray and Scott Tobias  | Vulture | November 25, 2020 Some of the network’s best, most daring work has come in the form of a limited series. As HBO miniseries started developing in the mid-’80s and early ’90s, the “It’s Not TV. It’s HBO†tagline would not have applied. With…
100 Best Miniseries Of All Time – Aug 17, 2020
Wolf Hall Has It All by Joni Sweet | Lake Geneva Regional News | August 17, 2020 With shelter-at-home orders still in effect, the pandemic has left us with little more to do than veg out in front of the TV. Data released from Comcast in May showed that the average household watched some 66…