Category: Personal and Family Life
Results of Lord Mayor’s Appeal: Twenty20 Cricket Match
Team Axe Wins by Gingersnap | | July 4, 2021 Upfront left: William Russell. Upfront right: Damian Lewis. Back row behind Damian: Gareth Lewis Today, Sunday, 4 July 2021, Lord Mayor’s Appeal held the charitable Twenty20 cricket match on the grounds of the Honourable Artillery Company venue, with Damian’s brother William Russell serving as…
Damian Lewis Narrates Helen McCrory’s Speech for Graduates
UCS Hampstead as Sir HvH Arts Foundation Patron Source: UCS Hampstead | Twitter | June 30, 2021 Source: Sir HvH Arts | Instagram | June 30, 2021 On Wednesday, June 30, 2021, the University College School Hampstead’s graduation began proceedings by remembering Helen McCrory and her powerful message to pupils in 2018 with a narration…
Damian Lewis: Patron of Ride4Hugo
Family Support: In Memory of Hugo Yaxley and Helen McCrory by Staff | Ride4Hugo | June 15, 2021 *updated May 03, 2022 Ride4Hugo is in memory of Hugo Yaxley, Damian and Helen’s nephew, who tragically died in a car accident in November, 2020. Hugo was a big advocate of facing up to mental health issues…
Lord Mayor’s Appeal: Twenty20 Cricket Match
Brother Against Brother For a Good Cause by Gingersnap | | May 15, 2021 L to R: Brothers Damian Lewis, William Russell, and Gareth Lewis The Rt Hon The Lord Mayor of the City of London Alderman William Russell is hosting a charity cricket match on Sunday, 4 July 2021 in aid of The…
How Helen McCrory Shone, Even in a Haze of Mystery – April 17, 2021
She was unforgettable onstage playing seemingly serene women who rippled with restlessness by Ben Brantley | New York Times | April 17, 2021 Selfishly, my first feelings on hearing that the uncanny British actress Helen McCrory had died at 52 were of personal betrayal. We were supposed to have shared a long and fruitful future…
Helen McCrory Has Passed Away at the Age of 52 – April 16, 2021
Go Now, Little One by Gingersnap | | April 16, 2021 We are so shocked and saddened by the terrible news that Helen has passed away. We have Damian, Manon and Gulliver in our thoughts and hope they will find peace in the beautiful memories they created together. Helen was a beautiful soul, a…
Damian Lewis on His Wife Helen McCrory: The Sunday Times – April 18, 2021
“I’ve never known anyone able to enjoy life as much” by Damian Lewis | The Sunday Times | April 18, 2021 The star, who has died of cancer at 52, was a brilliant actress and an even better person, writes her husband. As I sit down to write this, I can hear Helen shouting from…
Graffiti Art Project for Sir HvH Arts Foundation – April 13, 2021
Neville the Starfish by Gingersnap | | April 13, 2021 Damian joined the Sir HvH Arts Foundation graffiti art project in Hampstead Heath for “Neville the Starfish.â€Â Looks like Neville is getting some purple highlights from our favorite Ginger! Sponsored by Love Camden, the project supported over 96 young people in the community to…