Category: Messages

  • 2008.03.02

    Damian Lewis was on GMTV’s Entertainment Today on Friday for an in-studio interview. Click here in the Multimedia section to download the interview in either Quicktime or AVI format. You can also view it here and here on Youtube. Many thanks to Dotty for providing the wonderful clips! ➡ Damian Lewis will be interviewed on…

  • 2008.01.12

    Damian Lewis update! ➡ A ”Happy New Year” message kindly sent by Damian’s associate Melissa indicates that the Lewis family plan to stay in the UK until the labor strike by the Writers Guild of America is resolved and work resumes on his NBC program Life. The family are all doing well, Helen McCrory will…

  • 2007/12/20

    Damian Lewis Update! Information received from Damian’s associate Melissa indicates that the Lewis family are back in the UK for the holidays; here’s the news: » The family are doing well and are enjoying their time in Los Angeles during the filming of Life. Right now Damian is just waiting out the labor strike by…

  • 2007/12/07

    A message from Damian Lewis’s associate Melissa indicates that the Lewis family are all doing well and that new baby boy Gulliver’s middle name is “Cameron”; click here to read the message. 🙂 Update on Life starring Damian Lewis: » Listen online to a new Damian Lewis interview from Wednesday’s Bob Rivers Show on KZOK…

  • 2007/11/04

    It’s a boy! Miss Manon Lewis has a new baby brother named Gulliver! ➡ A son was born to Damian Lewis and Helen McCrory on November 2nd! Both Mom and baby are doing fine; click here to read Damian’s message to the fans that was kindly forwarded by his associate Melissa. Congratulations to the Lewis…

  • 2007/10/05

    In response to a message of congratulations to Damian Lewis (on behalf of all the fans) upon the successful premiere and widespread interest in Life, Damian’s associate Melissa replied that she had sent the message directly to Damian and “he was very pleased to hear about the surge of interest and sent his thanks for…

  • 2007/08/06

    Sharp-eyed D noticed that the previously unidentified gentleman photographed with Damian Lewis outside the Ivy restaurant in London on September 15, 2006 strongly resembles British spy novelist Charles Cumming! To end the speculation Damian’s associate Melissa kindly sent a note confirming the identity of the mystery man as “author Charlie Cumming”; she said that he…

  • 2007/07/15

    More news about Life starring Damian Lewis! » NBC’s site for the program has been updated and confirms the broadcast premiere date as September 26th at 10 PM Eastern Time/9 PM Central Time. » NBC’s updated site offers videos, images, bios, info, downloads, surprises, and a forum community for the program (free registration required). »…