Category: Print Media
From the Trader’s Desk: Billions S4 E10 New Year’s Day – May 31, 2019
Moments in Time by Lady Trader I Fan Fun with Damian Lewis I May 31, 2019 And so we’re told this is the golden age And gold is the reason for the wars we wage New Year’s Day – U2 Hello and welcome to the Trader’s Desk. I know I have said this a few…
Billions Season 4 Episode 10 Recap: Forbes – May 27, 2019
It’s All Work And No Play On ‘New Year’s Day’ by Dana Feldman | Forbes | May 27, 2019 In the world of Billions, it may be “New Year’s Day†but vacations are cut short and everyone is back at work. As they say, there’s no rest for the wicked. Especially when there are intricate plots, secretive cases…
Billions Season 4 Episode 10 Recap: Vulture – May 26, 2019
The Moment by Sarene Leeds | Vulture | May 26, 2019 At first listen, the use of U2’s classic 1983 track “New Year’s Day†to open this episode seems like a cross between laziness and eagerness to once again show off Billions’ music budget. But the energetic bassline and corresponding piano riff actually provide the right amount…
Billions Season 4 Episode 9 Recap: New York Times – May 26, 2019
New Year’s Irresolution by Sean T. Collins | New York Times | May 26, 2019 Season 4, Episode 10: ‘New Year’s Day’ “All is quiet on New Year’s Day.†Fat chance, Bono. U2’s wintry hit “New Year’s Day†may kick off the “Billions†episode it shares a title with, but Bono’s opening line certainly doesn’t…
Billions on Showtime, Season 4 Episode 10: New Year’s Day – May 26, 2019
Deliveries, Shakedowns and Cuddles by Damianista | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | May 26, 2019 A phone conversation between Chuck and Krakow lets us and the US Attorney’s office know that Qatar State Bank is going back to the restricted list 😀 This means Chuck Senior may lose his sweet deal with the bank…
TV bosses pounce on delayed final novel in Wolf Hall trilogy
The Mirror and The Light Matthew Moore, Media Correspondent | David Sanderson, Arts Correspondent I The Times I May 25, 2019 The book is several years behind schedule but a television adaptation of the final instalment of Dame Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall trilogy is already under way. The team behind the acclaimed BBC adaptations of the…