Category: Media
‘Billions’ on Showtime Profits Off Our Fixation on Money – Jan 8, 2016
‘Billions’ on Showtime Profits Off Our Fixation on Money by David Zurawik - The Baltimore Sun – January 8, 2016 Great TV always scratches some deeper itch in the culture. And, in the last three decades at least, that itch has often been connected to money. “The Sopranos” explored the gangster soul of capitalism and the profound emptiness…
CBS This Morning Interview
Emmy Award winner Damian Lewis made a name for himself on the Showtime hit series “Homeland” as Brody, a prisoner of war-turned terrorist. Now, Lewis is taking on a much different role in “Billions,” which offers an insider look at the high-stakes world of finance. Lewis stars as Bobby Axelrod, an ambitious billionaire hedge fund…
Damian Talks About Conquering the New York Accent for Billions – Jan 6, 2016
Damian Lewis on Conquering the New York Accent for BillionsÂ
Wall Street Gets Its First TV Show with ‘Billions’ – Dec 31, 2015
Wall Street Gets Its First TV Show with ‘Billions’ by Serena Elavia - FOXBusiness – December 31, 2015 In an age where political shows like ‘House of Cards’ and ‘Madame Secretary’ dominate television, it seems that a Wall Street plot has been ignored by the small screen. On January 1, 2016, Showtime Networks (CBS) aired an…