Category: Media
Behind the Scenes: The Look of Bobby Axelrod, Season 1 – Jan 23, 2016
Behind the Scenes: The Look of Bobby Axelrod | Season 1
Billions: Damian Lewis on His New Showtime Series – Exclusive Interview, AssignmentX, January 18, 2016
BILLIONS: Damian Lewis on his new Showtime series – Exclusive Interview The actor talks his reunion with Showtime network By ABBIE BERNSTEIN, AssignmentX, January 18, 2016 In Showtime Network’s new drama BILLIONS, premiering Sunday, January 17 (the first episode is available for sampling on multiple platforms for free the weekend of January 15-17), Damian Lewis stars…
Blue Blood, Blue Collar: Damian Lewis’ Transformations, The New Yorker, January 18, 2016
The actor probes his characters, but his method isn’t Method. “I’m Damian Lewis, not Daniel Day-Lewis.†by Lauren Collins | The New Yorker | January 18, 2016  Photograph by Pari Dukovic for The New Yorker At a corner table in the dining room of Marea, a restaurant on Central Park South, the conversation was smooth but disputatious. Three…
Review: Billions Delivers a Dose of Charisma to Hedge Fund Titans – Jan 15, 2016
Review: ‘Billions’ Delivers a Dose of Charisma to Hedge Fund Titans  by Heather Havrilesky – The New York Times – January 15, 2016 Men who make lots of money and growl at one another about profits and margins and winning and losing. Remember them? Americans used to love watching stories about those guys, in the…
Power Player: Damian Lewis talks new Showtime series ‘Billions’, Los Angeles Daily News, January 14, 2016
Power Player: Damian Lewis talks new Showtime series ‘Billions’ By ROB LOWMAN, Los Angeles Daily News, January 14, 2016 Although he’s done extensive research for his role as super-rich hedge-fund titan Bobby Axelrod for Showtime’s intriguing new drama “Billions,†Damian Lewis isn’t about to do his own investing.
Billions Takes Cynical Look at Corruption on Both Sides of the Law – Jan 13, 2016
‘Billions’ takes cynical look at corruption — on both sides of the law By David Wiegand – San Francisco Chronicle – January 13, 2016 Vladimir Putin may be one scary ex-KGB agent, but these days, he couldn’t get arrested in Hollywood, so to speak. Russian villains are so last century. Film and TV have gone through a…