Category: Media
Recappables Podcast: Billions S3E7 – May 6, 2018
Breaking Down a Chuck-Centric Episode, Plus the Best Pop Culture References of the Week by Mallory Rubin and Alison Herman | The Ringer | May 6, 2018 The Ringer’s Mallory Rubin and Alison Herman discuss this Very Chuck Episode (5:00), Wendy’s unsubtle seduction technique (29:17), and the best pop culture references of the week (45:56).…
Billions Season 3, Episode 7 Recap: Vulture – May 6, 2018
Jesus Christ, Chuck by Nicole Cliffe | Vulture | May 6, 2018 Not You, Mr. Dake The title of today’s recap refers to the number of times I screamed those words at my TV during this week’s episode. With a dash or two of “Chuck, the hell are you doing?†and “WENDY, ARE YOU SERIOUS? 
Billions Season 3, Episode 7 Recap: Entertainment Weekly – May 6, 2018
The Moral Rot Finally Reaches Wendy by Kyle Fowle | Entertainment Weekly | May 6, 2018 Not You, Mr. Dake When, at the end of last week’s episode, Wendy, Axe, and Chuck sat down to be fully transparent with one another, they did so with a purpose. Each of them had been implicated in the…
Why Homeland Season 1 is Still The Show’s Best Season – May 5, 2018
The Power of Brody by Nat Berman I TV Overmind I May 5, 2018 Season 7 of Homeland came to a conclusion at the end of April of 2018. However, there are plenty of reasons to believe that Season 1 of the series remains the best one, which is rather interesting considering how long it has been…
Axe and Wendy’s Relationship on Billions – May 4, 2018
Lawyers, Kink and Money: Maggie Siff Finds Her Richest Role Yet by Greg Braxton | LA Times | May 4, 2018 Ask Billions star Maggie Siff how she would feel if she all of a sudden became a billionaire, and you’ll likely hear a laugh tinged with a bit of discomfort. Wendy Rhoades, the sensitive but…
From the Trader’s Desk: Answering Viewers Questions & Billions S3 Ep6 – May 4, 2018
How Will Wendy Solve Her Own Personal Kobayashi Maru? by Lady Trader | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | May 4, 2018 Greetings from the Trader’s Desk! After a brief hiatus, Lady Trader is back to answer some questions about “A Flaw in the Death Star†and my take on “The Third Ortolanâ€. I received some…
Damian Lewis’ Current Role is Worth ‘Billions’ to Him – May 2, 2018
“When Bobby Gets Scratched, He Comes Back Harder” by Jay Bobbin | On TV Today | May 2, 2018 In February of this year Jay Bobbin tweeted this teaser that he had recently interviewed Damian. Good birthday wishes today to @lewis_damian, with whom I sat recently for an interview about @SHO_Billions, on which he remains…
Billions on Showtime, 3.06: The Third Ortolan – May 2, 2018
“Nexus” by JaniaJania | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | May 2, 2018 Like three delicately delicious birds, Wendy, Bobby, and Chuck are poised above the deep fryer in Billions Season 3, Episode 6, ‘The Third Ortolan.” If Wendy had only waited to make the call to short Ice Juice once she was at a…