Category: Media
Emmys 2018: 10 Biggest Snubs – July 12, 2018
From Billions to an ‘Atlanta’ MVP – The Most WTF Snubs in this Year’s Emmys Nominations by Brian Tallerico | Rolling Stone | July 12, 2018 The annual Emmy square dance is here – per usual, it’s a routine of three steps forward, two steps back. This year even allowed more room than usual for the…
Watch Damian On Your Telly Tonight – July 8, 2018
Bedtime Stories by Gingersnap | | July 8, 2018 Damian will be guest reading I Got a Crocodile on tonight’s CBeebies Bedtime Stories at 6:50 p.m., 8 July 2018. Check your local BBC listing to not miss out!
6 Fantastic Foreign Shows Remade in America – June 29, 2018
Homeland – Prisoners of War by Brigid Brown | BBC America Anglophenia | June 29, 2018 It’s not just the British who love to remake fabulous foreign language shows, in English and subtitle-free, for their own audience. U.S. networks are just as into it. Did you know some of your U.S. favorites started life somewhere else?…
Herding Cats and Damian Lewis – June 29, 2018
Damian Lewis: A Complete Gent by Staff | Blake Mill | June 20, 2018 Britain’s filmmaking industry is flourishing and perhaps second only to Hollywood in terms of volume and critical acclaim. It is renowned for producing quirky, offbeat films that stand in stark contrast to the standard Hollywood fare of action blockbusters. Tony Bracewell,…
Ten Actors Who Shone Even Before They Were Stars – June 28, 2018
Damian Lewis: The Guy Has Been a Godsend to TV by Matthew Gilbert | Boston Globe | June 28, 2018 A lot of the TV actors and actresses we’ve come to love have a past. Turns out that before they could get a good table at an exclusive restaurant, they were nonetheless doing some fine…
Damian Raises Awareness for CureEB – June 26, 2018
Damian’s Children Throw Water Balloons at Him for ‘EB Pop, Make the Blisters Stop’ Campaign by Damianista | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | June 26, 2018 First things first. Same wonderful charity. Same great mission. Same brilliant patron. NEW NAME!
Damian’s Guest Appearance on The Late Late Show – June 20, 2018
Late Late London by Gingersnap | | June 20, 2018 Damian appeared on the Late Late Show with James Corden on Wednesday, June 20 as part of the #LateLateLondon special week in England, along with co-guest Ruth Wilson from Showtime’s The Affair.  Wilson reminisced about meeting Damian while she, along with Dominic West, were at a…
Bobby Axelrod in a Song – June 16, 2018
Making Music About Axe by Gingersnap | | June 16, 2018 The group Locals Only Sound has a new song out titled Billions, featuring Blaise Moore, Curtis Smith and Gray Hawken, and guess who’s name is dropped? Bobby Axelrod! Have a listen here