Category: Life

  • Click here to view charming photos of Damian Lewis taking his little girl Manon and his son Gulliver for a stroll in Venice Beach, CA. These pictures were posted on Splash News on April 21, 2009. (Thanks to idle.hands for the link!) Click here to download an audio file (in mp3 format) of Damian Lewis’s…

  • Thanks to Connie from New Jersey for sharing her personally autographed composite image of Damian Lewis as Major Richard Winters. The autograph was obtained in London (for Connie) by Georgi from Australia! Damian Lewis fans are all part of one, big, happy, international family! 😀 The Escapist with Damian Lewis is the ӣ0.99 iTunes UK…

  • Click here in our media area to download three of Damian’s poetry readings from the last Friday’s Newsnight Review. Thanks again to the indispensable Kaz! ➡ UK reminder: Season 2 of Life begins Wednesday, June 3rd at 10:00 pm on ITV3! Here’s ITV3’s press release for Episode 1: “Find your Happy Place “. The BBC…

  • Click above to watch a collection of “Charlie Crews Quotes” from season 1 that were posted on YouTube by AmandaBear1988. It may some offer temporary relief for your acute Life withdrawal symptoms! 🙁 Don’t forget to add your signature to the petition to move Life to the USA Network! Thanks to GroovMonkey for sharing this…

  • “Elementary My Dear Stacy” Disney’s Phineas and Ferb episode featuring the voice of Damian Lewis as Agent 00 0 is now available in the US, through September 14th, for On Demand viewing on cable and satellite television sites. Subscribers can watch the program at no additional charge under “Disney XD”. The episode is the second…

  • Click above for “Candyman”, a new Damian Lewis music video by Batista1960. Click here to watch a new “Life & Charlie Crews fanvideo” from Aiwe78. In the US, all 21 episodes of Life – Season 2 are available for online viewing at until August 1, 2009: At that time, the season 2 episodes will…

  • Damian Lewis is mentioned in this Guardian Independent article about the game of Ping Pong as the new craze among Hollywood celebrities. Last year Damian gave a Ping Pong table to the cast and crew of Life and in this Washington Post article Damian is quoted as saying that if he hadn’t become an actor…

  • Season 2 of Life starring Damian Lewis will run in the UK on ITV3 beginning June 3rd; click here for more information. More details are available for the Region 1 (North American) DVD for Life – Season 2 that will be released in the US on August 25th: The DVD will include all 21 episodes…