Category: Interviews

  • On Weekend Wogan, New project news

    Damian Lewis was on Weekend Wogan on Sunday. You can listen to it here at the BBC radio site (his part begins at the 1:24 mark) or you can download here from our Media archive. He said in the interview that he’ll next be working in Italy on Carlo Carlei’s adaption of Romeo And Juliet.…

  • Sydney Morning Herald interview

      THE premise is intriguing. A United States marine, missing in action for eight years and presumed dead, is rescued from a terrorist compound. He has been held hostage by al-Qaeda for all that time. Marine Sergeant Nicholas Brody returns to the US initially as a hero. Yet it quickly becomes clear life has changed.…

  • Grantland Interview

    Speaking to Damian Lewis on the telephone is disconcerting -– and not because Lewis, in his role as troubled maybe-terrorist Sgt. Nicholas Brody, appears likely to blow himself to bits on Sunday’s Homeland season finale. The red headed actor has an All-American bearing on television but in reality is an eloquent Englishman with a plummy…

  • Assignment X Interview

    London-born Lewis has a thoroughly English accent in person, but Brody is far from the first American – or even the first U.S.soldier, or prisoner – he’s played. Lewis was Major Richard D. Winters in HBO’s BAND OF BROTHERS miniseries; more recently, he spent two seasons as police detective Charlie Crews, just released after having…

  • Snakkle Interview: ‘Good Guy or Terrorist?’

      Snakkle: First of all, I would just like to preemptively congratulate you for all of the Emmy nominations Homeland is going to get. When you get them, you can tell me I told you so. Damian Lewis: Really? I don’t even think about things like that, but that’s so nice, thank you. Snakkle: It’s…

  • On Ron Bennington Interviews

    You can now download the interview Damian Lewis did for the SiriusXM radio show Ron Bennington Interviews here from our media area. It’s a bit longer than the print interview that was posted at the Interrobang website – there’s more discussion on Homeland and you’ll hear the full story on how Damian got his black…

  • The Interrobang Interview

      Actor Damian Lewis, the star of the new Showtime series, Homeland, stopped by the SiriusXM studios to talk with Ron Bennington about the new show, which is quickly becoming known as the most exciting show on television. Excerpts of that interview appear below. Ron Bennington: The most intense tv show on today is definitely…

  • Interview

      The Showtime counterterrorism thriller “Homeland” has been a breakout hit this fall, earning impressive ratings and raves from critics and the online multitudes who feverishly parse its twists and turns. But Damian Lewis, the British actor who plays the tormented Marine at the heart of the series, knows the good will could vanish next…