Damian Lewis to Drive Sheep at This Year’s London Sheep Drive

– Raising Funds for The Woolmen Charity and The Lord Mayor’s Appeal –

First an actor, then a musician, and now a shepherd? A drover? Is there anything this man can’t flocking do? Well, we can now add celebrity sheepherder to his CV! Damian will be this year’s special guest at the annual London Sheep Drive and Livery Fair on Sunday, September 29, 2024, taking charge of his flock and driving his livestock into the city market in this ancient tradition.

As a Freeman of the City of London, this will be the first time he has exercised his ancient right to drive sheep over the River Thames to Southwark Bridge. It’s an annual London tradition that honors sheep farmers crossing London Bridge into the city to sell livestock during medieval times. At the time, while locals would have to pay a bridge toll to cross the river, Freemen of the City aka traders were exempt. While it was initially started on London Bridge, in recent years it has been held on Southwark Bridge.

Previous celebrity sheepherder includes Damian’s Wolf Hall co-star Mark Rylance.

Damian shared:

“As a proud London Welshman, playing the drover and driving my sheep, as if from Llandeilo, across The Thames, will be a career highlight. Can’t wait.”

HISTORY: The London Sheep Drive is a long-established charity event, celebrating a Freeman’s ancient “right” to bring sheep to market over the Thames, toll free, which dates back to the 12th century – all in aid of raising funds for The Woolmen Charity and The Lord Mayor’s Appeal.

This year’s Sheep Drive will take place on Southwark Bridge. Access is restricted to registered and pre-booked Freemen of the City of London and their guests, to enable the remainder of the bridge to be open to vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

Located on Queen Street and Queen Street Place, the magnificent Livery Fair offers visitors the opportunity to learn all about the Sheep Drive and the wonderful causes it supports, and where livery and specialist wool companies celebrate their trades with interactive displays and sales of their wares. Other fun activities include expert blade shearing displays and some wonderful rare breed sheep!

The Sheep Drive and Livery Fair showcases the important enduring contribution of London’s livery companies, from the formation of the City of London in years gone by through to modern times, both in respect of the continuous evolution of sustainable trades and the important charitable endeavours in support of the various challenges faced today.

For more information, visit The Sheep Drive and Livery Fair website here.