MVP Fan Book
by Gingersnap | Fan Fun with Damian Lewis | June 12, 2019
Welcome back to our ‘Billions MVP Fanbook,’ a compilation post commemorating all those in honor of achievement for the utmost brazen, uber shameless, ultra scheming, unmatched bad asses to date – from sports references, music, and tasty food to pop culture remarks, shocking twists and ultimate paybacks.
In case you missed our previous awards, you can catch up with season four episode one, episode two, episode three, episode four, episode five, episode six, episode seven ,and episode eight, episode nine, episode ten and episode eleven. Now, let us continue with that tradition as we award our Most Valuable Players (MVPs) this week.
Here are our Billions awards for Season 4, Episode 12, “Extreme Sandbox.â€
Best Lines – Both by Rebecca.
“Oracular wisdom feels better when the Oracle hasn’t just anally rended you†to Bensinger and “You snake motherfucker†to Axe during Saler’s board meeting.
Top Analogy – Axe when he makes the logical argument comparing Taylor to that of Silence of the Lambs victim. They’re in the well, they’ve put the lotion on from the basket and they just need to be skinned.
Supreme Pop Culture Reference – The Shining
Those creepy twins while he is riding his Bigwheel down the hotel corridors #REDRUM
Optimal Anger Management Technique – Extreme Sandbox
Who wouldn’t love to move earth and crush cars with bulldozers, excavators, backhoes, trenchers and the like?
Symmetrical Prediction – Gingersnap!
I’ve stated my case several times that Axe won season 1, Chuck won season 2, both lost season 3, and I predicted both would win in season 4, at least professionally. Billions loves symmetry and we see in this season’s finale that both Chuck and Axe can place a mark in the win column for what they were trying to accomplish with their careers/business. And to be even more symmetrical, both lost to a great extent in their personal lives – Axe losing Rebecca and Chuck losing Wendy. However, this scenario is a perfect setup for season five because Chuck and Axe will no doubt get back to what we love… and that is smashing each other to death.
Honorable Mention – Wendy and Axe making the bed together with fresh sheets was sublime. Rich people first think of changing rooms before manual labor LOL And how about that tension?
Lady Trader
Well, That Looks Delicious Award – I’m a breakfast girl. I love eggs, bacon, home fries and pancakes. And oh, did that breakfast Axe and Bensinger were having look good! Pass the syrup!
Best Football Reference Award – I’m a sucker for a Doug Flutie reference, and since it’s coming from Mafee, it’s all the better!

My Kinda Girls Award – Heavy construction equipment and beers! Rebecca and Wendy are my type of chicks!
Read the rest of the article at Fan Fun with Damian Lewis
Who Knew He Had That Voice Award – Welcome back Rudy! And, wow! That voice!
Ultimate Loser – Bryan Connerty
Well, from “Top Dreamer Award” to “Colossal Disappointment Award” to “Better Late Than Never Award” to “Teacher’s Pet Award” I have given a lot of MVP awards to Bryan Connerty this season. And now I am honoring him with the Ultimate Loser award! His smile turning into terror as he listens to the privileged part of the recording was priceless. Congratulations, Bryan, you are the fucking idiot!
Most Insecure Man – Chuck Rhoades
While he is the best three-dimensional chess player anyone has ever seen, Chuck is also the most insecure man in the world. Isn’t it fascinating that the $25M donation Axe makes to the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund to save Wendy’s medical license single-handedly makes Chuck unilaterally violate the peace agreement between them? The special relationship between Axe and Wendy is certainly his Achilles’ Heel.
Perfect Song – Behind Blue Eyes by The Who
No one knows what it’s like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes
I cannot imagine a better song to introduce the scene in which Axe is seemingly having a romantic evening with Rebecca and is actually getting ready to put his plan into action to destroy her business. Ah the bad man behind those blue eyes.
Most Unusual Set Prop – Bondage Platform
I wonder if the inspiration for this kind of BDSM equipment comes from medieval torture practices.
Hypocrisy Champion – Sanford Bensinger
You cannot be an American Champion just because you are publishing an autobiography called “American Champion.” But if Sanford Bensinger is desperate to be a champion, I am happy to hand him the Hypocrisy Championship Cup. He totally deserves it!
The “holier-than-thou” Bensinger works with Axe behind the scenes to screw Rebecca’s business and does it in the name of saving this “kind-hearted, good girl.” And as if this is not enough, he shamelessly lectures the “young lady” in the board meeting. So, pardon my Italian, Vaffanculo!
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Actor – Damian Lewis
That moment where Axe lies in bed next to Rebecca and plans his move to ruin her business. Damian’s face alone deserves an Emmy here! I feel the cold that he talks about turning hot, to rage, there. He blows me away and reminds me why I launched this blog four and a half years ago. Give him all the awards already!
Brilliant Moment of Tension – Axe and Wendy in a bedroom!
Billions writers know how to ratchet up the tension, don’t they? I am biting my nails as Axe and Wendy explore what options Wendy has to sleep in Axe’s apartment. And I am yelling at the top of my lungs:
“No, no, no, don’t do it!â€
I just do love Axe and Wendy the way they are and I hope they stay as true friends and business partners for good. Please and Thank you! 🙂