George Orwell Returns to Loom Over BBC and Damian Voices the Talking Statue
by Maev Kennedy – The Guardian – November 7, 2017

George Orwell has returned to loom over the BBC. A larger-than-life statue of the author and former BBC employee has been unveiled outside Broadcasting House in London.
Orwell’s monument joins the regiment of talking statues, which can address any member of the public armed with a smart phone – his near neighbour, the sculpture of Ariel, by Eric Gill, over the main door of Broadcasting House, already talks back.
The Orwell statue is voiced by the actor Damian Lewis – who is, like the author, an Old Etonian. The school has also welcomed Orwell back, commissioning a replica of the portrait head to remind future generations of scholars that stroppy awkwardness is not necessarily a barrier to genius.
Read the rest of the original article at The Guardian