Nice interview with Helen with some mentions of Damian:
Helen herself hardly seems to have put a foot wrong, both in work and in what sounds like a splendidly sorted private life. She first met her heart-throb husband Damian, memorably described by one critic as ‘the sexiest redhead on the planet’ and now a Hollywood high-flier, in 2003 when they shared a love scene in the play Five Gold Rings at London’s Almeida Theatre. Describing him as ‘the one’, she said he was the first man to make her feel broody. ‘Am I going to have any more children? You sound like my husband,’ she says, laughing. ‘Not at the moment – life has just reached a great equilibrium and I’m very happy.’
But it’s clear that family is very important to Damian, who flew Helen and the children to America to join him for six weeks during the filming of Homeland last summer. And not only does he like to spoil Helen with treats (that Dick Barton coat) but they also keep the flirtatious sparkle going in their marriage with nonstop teasing – so much so that she says they dream of appearing opposite each other as those wittily sparring lovers Beatrice and Benedick in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. ‘Let’s get paid for the banter we enjoy together so much,’ she chuckles.
She and Damian share the childcare as equally as possible, though she admits that they couldn’t do without the ‘indispensable Charlotte, our live-in nanny. And I realise how lucky I am, having talked to other mothers, that Damian gets involved in his children’s day-to-day lives. In two months of filming Homeland, he’s flown back home four times in his few days off. Although that’s tough on him, it makes such a difference. But thank God I’m freelance, so I’ve never been given the choice of either my career or my children – because I genuinely don’t know what I would choose,’ she says.
Read the full interview at the Daily Mail.