Damian Lewis discusses The Misanthrope and working with Keira Knightley in a new interview with the Telegraph:
Knightley’s promised theatrical debut is eye-wateringly hot stuff. … If the flame-haired Lewis, 38, feels any anxiety or concern about the fact that Knightley looks set to be the centre of much frenzied attention in the coming weeks, he’s not confessing to it when we meet. His last stage appearance, as the inwardly tortured businessman Karsten Bernick in Ibsen’s Pillars of the Community earned him rave reviews at the National in 2005. The part of the people-hating Alceste – the biliously witty anti-hero reconceived as a hip playwright in Martin Crimp’s smart update of Moliere’s 1666 classic comedy – should cement his reputation as one of theatre’s finest talents. But will he get his chance to capitalise on the opportunity?
As he calmly downs a pint of Guinness in the pub next door to the show’s Bloomsbury rehearsal rooms, Lewis radiates only relaxed enthusiasm for the project, which he had a hand in getting off the ground and which will mark his own West End debut. When Keira came on board, then, of course it became an ‘event’,’ he says. And pauses. ‘I can only say that I think it’s fun to be part of these things.’
Click here for the interview.
Click here at The Misanthrope‘s official site to order tickets. Previews begin at London’s Comedy Theatre on December 5, 2009! Interested in getting together with other fans to see the play? Click here at the Yahoo! Group for more information.