- 😀 Check it out! New photos have been added to the Warehouse Gallery from Sunday’s NBC All-Star Party and yesterday’s TCA “Summer Press Tour” panel. 😉
- Click on the links below for more reports from yesterday’s NBC “Sophomore Drama Panel†with Damian Lewis and Rand Ravich at the Television Critics Association’s Summer Press Tour in Beverly Hills, California. l 1 l
2 l
3 l - This report comes from a lucky fan that stumbled upon an on-location shoot for season 2 of Life!
- Thanks to Ryanne for the news that Keane starring Damian Lewis can be seen in cinemas in The Netherlands as of August 14th. The film will screen “in Filmmuseum, Amsterdam en Filmhuis Den Haag.†😀
- Amazon.co.uk has reduced the pre-order price for the region 2 DVD of The Escapist from £14.99 to £11.98! 🙂
Amazon’s pre-order policy guarantees that you be charged the lowest price listed prior to the films’ release on October 13th. Use this currency converter to calculate your cost if you live outside of the UK.
Remember that this is a region 2 DVD so it will only play on multi-region (region-free) or region 2 DVD players (UK, EU, Mideast, Egypt, South Africa, and Japan.) Click here for information about DVD regions and players.